Here I am in the blogging world…

What, Joan Anderson is joining the world of blogs?  Could it be that someone who is electronically phobic could really be doing such a thing?

The truth is that I have had writer’s block for some time now.  My mind sort of went numb when my then new publisher signed me on with bells and cymbals and then mysteriously left me dangling…a feeling not unlike being dumped by a lover.  For sure my creative side went dead as I tried feverishly to fix it or figure it out.  Alas, there were no answers or explanations forth coming and besides, I was soon consumed with the gradual failing of my dear mother’s health.  As I hobbled around on a crutch as she slowly began leaving this earth there was hardly time ti fix my bad knee.  Holistic approaches did nothing to help and so, after she died I submitted to knee replacement.  The surgeon was great but the drugs further dulled by brain as well as my spirit.  In time, I surfaced, almost as good as new, until the news came that one of our children was getting a divorce.

Enough, already, I said to self.  I could continue reacting to life or get on top of it and once again become proactive.  Choosing the latter, I decided the only way to reach out and touch the positive forces in my life would be to start blogging…talking about what was on my chest and getting reaction.  And so beginning July 4th I will be at this site twice a week to begin again.  As Joan Erikson said to me: “The only person who will sponsor yourself is yourself.”

40 thoughts on “Here I am in the blogging world…

  1. hi there from Thailand. simply saw your blog. really visited your article, I’ll email it along 😀 Have a excellent day

  2. Hello! I simply wanted to take the time to make a comment and say I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for all of your work.

  3. When I came across your book “A Year By the Sea” while browsing my favourite bookstore, I knew that it was calling out for me to take it home.

    While reading your words I found myself in your shoes and finally felt like I was not alone in my thinking. I must admit, I’ve read your book a few times and even once to my husband of 35 years. I finally got the courage to take that “year by the sea” for myself. He promised to give 12 months to make up my mind what I really wanted and needed. Within 3 months, he had someone else in his life, they were wearing wedding rings so I visited a lawyer and filed for divorce. That was 6 years ago.

    In the meantime, I’ve read your other books and found comfort within their pages. I keep checking to see if you’ve written any new books and tonight I discovered your BLOG! I will keep current with your site.

    Even though I’ve never attended one of your retreats, in my mind, I did walk those beaches with you and saw the seals. When I find myself overloaded with life, I envision myself walking beside you and listening to the banter between Joan Erikson and you.

    Keep on blogging Joan! It’s all good!!

  4. Interesting. The facts in this post are eye opening for sure. I was thinking about it many times, but not implementing it.

  5. how are you!This was a really terrific blog!
    I come from roma, I was fortunate to discover your blog in google
    Also I obtain much in your topic really thank your very much i will come daily

  6. I read a lot of blogs recently and yours is one of the best. I enjoy reading your posts – clear and well written. Your page goes straight to my bookmarks. I got some nice inspirational thoughts after reading it.

  7. Keep the posting up. I never thought I would find an individual that had close to the same grasp of worldly knowldege , however, you are that beacon of hope in humanity!I hope you continue to bring your knowldge and enlightenment to the world and never let your expression be squelched! Live strong!

  8. Joan, I too went through a hard place the latter part of winter until the first part of summer, not getting to see my grand-daughter as I’d love to and not being responded to by my daughter-in-law, as I’d love to either, and they’re still married. So I went inside myself to search for an answer and wasn’t getting anywhere but depressed. So began my search for how to cope with such loss and feeling out of control. I began to read about destructive emotions. Allowing this hurt, a negative emotion, to control me, wasn’t allowing me to move past it. So I engaged with the hurt, dealt with it, and practiced breathing it in, facing it head on, and blowing back out positive energy towards it. All I can do now is let my mind work on this positive reaction to change my mind and pray that change with my daughter-in-law will happen or at least that I can deal with it if it remains the same. Bad stuff will happen to us. There’s no getting around it. It’s how we let it affect us that is the deal breaker.

    Best of luck to you in dealing with this current battle. Our kids are not ours’ when they’ve grown their wings. That’s the hardest part of being a mother, I’ve found.

  9. Joan, I have wondered what it must feel like to hear how you’ve affected so many lives. Maybe you dont realize it or always feel it but hopefully you do. Your books are like medicine for an illness, putting us on the road to recovery and healing. You are able to say exactly what we need to hear.
    How wonderful that you can do that for us and we are so glad you have. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  10. Dear Joan,
    Im was tempted these past few days to write to you , and still I sit and wonder where to begin. But noticed today ironically that you had mentioned the fact that you had writers block which is funny because I thought of writing to you to give you something new to write about. What Ive thought to share with you would grab the interest of an entire new audience of woman who always seem to be forgotten and need the most guidance , I know this from experience if you heard my story you would truly need to step back and take a seat . I am a mother of two boys I am married Im 45 years old and I long for the shores of Cape cod where I grew up I miss it so much sometimes I cant think straight. . My story may be needed to share so that you can offer to other woman who find themselves in a place like mine some peace and some inspiration. You are inspirational and I have a story to be told I may tell my story one day for the sake of woman like myself and then I think wow but could I ever use my real name .,.As I sit here now with an offering of an airline ticket an offering of my aunts house near Plymouth Rock where I can take my much needed retreat and time off at work oked by my boss I have yet to make a move. I have read letters from many woman who are walking in my shoes on an unnoticed on line group I I hear their stories and I read their thoughts but never really share my thoughts and I think they need to be placed in a book somehow some where to help all thes woman .My life was normal and under an hour it changed forever. Maybe sometime I can share with you if your interested.

  11. Dear Joan,
    I feel I shared the same type of sadness over these last winter months as well. Just couldnt break the feeling of being lost in it. The night before your e-mail came I had dinner with a friend. We talked about how to shake the sad feelings and that we needed to get back to reading your books so to feel enlightened again.
    That night I couldnt sleep. I got up made coffee and jumped online to find your e-mail and what a delight at 4am in the morning it was! Just by reading and feeling so connected to what you wrote I began my new start again that very morning. I even started painting a sketch that has been sitting there waiting for me for a year.
    Thank you so much for sharing yourself with all of us and I hope you feel how much you are loved by many you have met and most total strangers. Your blog is a blessing and I am truly grateful for it.
    I’m sending you a big hug and wishes for the same strength, inspiration and delight be returned to you from our comments & posts that you bring to all of us.
    Thank you so much.

  12. 10+ years ago I went through a divorce-your book Year by the Sea was my life raft–over the next few years your additional books brought me peace, growth and immense joy. Last June I finally had the chance to meet you at Kripalu and I came away with the word “courage” on my small rock as I knew the next few months would require just that. I am now going through another divorce and a few days agao your email arrived-once again dear lady you are helping me through another chaotic moment in my life and I thank you. And my courage although waxing at times is getting better.
    My question–have you ever thought of offering a reunion or a 2nd Journey retreat for those of us who would like to return but not to the first round? I loved being around all the energy the women brought to Kripalu but hope to join you at a smaller more intimate retreat.
    again my thanks to you.

  13. Joan
    I am thrilled you are blogging as it will give me the opportunity to follow your thoughts. I spent this last year nourishing myself on the Cape after many years teaching internationally. I really tried to get into your workshops but they filled up too quickly. I loved all of your books and took solace in my cottage by the sea reading over my 30 years of journals and doing a lot of internal work and becoming certified as a lifecoach.. I am now headed to South Korea for a new teaching assignment at 67 and looking forward to yet another change and a newchallenge. Some day we will meet as I will return to the Cape.

  14. Thinking of you and sending heartfelt wishes for your renewed strength of spirit, heart, and self in this ebb tide……

  15. Welcome to the world of blogging, Joan!

    I’ve read all your books but not been able to attend a retreat yet. I hope to one day visit Iona with you.

    I had a dream, a few years back, where I was standing in a house(it was your house in my dream), lace curtains were blowing and there were lots of women in the house. You had cakes of all kinds for us to partake of. I was amazed at how beautiful they were and there were so many. 🙂 You kept exhorting us to eat.

    You led me, and two others, to a couch and you leaned down to me and told me you wanted to pass something on. Like so many dreams, it ended without the final message. I’m thinking maybe what you wanted to pass on was the wisdom from all your books.

    You’ve made a big impact on my life. Your words, and Joan Erikson’s words, are helping me get through an unexpected divorce(after 25 years of marriage) and helping me believe that good things await. I hope your days are getting brighter!


  16. Hi Joan … last October I spent an afternoon with you and a group of amazing women ‘at a spot by the sea’ at the West Dennis yacht club. Life has definately been so very different for me from that day ’til now and I want to celebrate the changes in my life with you in 2011. Since my work obligations require me to list my vacation time in December of this year, please send me any and all information of retreats and gatherings that you have planned so that I may attend one. I recognize that I need to commit early to reserve a spot and there’s no time like the present to plan. Being with like-minded women and absorbing the energy provided left me spiritually healthier than I’ve ever experienced on a cruise or a pampered spa visit. Was the Maine retreat of June for 2010? Or, is that perhaps for 2011? I’m not computer saavy and believe I may have missed that opportunity …. so, I’m asking early ‘cuz I deserve for 2011 to include “some time with Joan”.
    May the rest of 2010 be filled with amazing moments and some wonderful belly laughs!

  17. Joan, though I am not able to be a retreater ” in situ”, because I live in Argentina, I follow your site and try to learn more about myself. Sometimes, when I feel my life is a mess and don´t know what to do, how to calm down,I look for your book and just open it in any page and start reading and always find the words I need.I wish I could be able to get your books here, The only one I got is “A year by the sea” and I think I bought all of them because as I enjoyed it so much, gave it as a present to many of my friends.
    I hope one day I´ll be a retreater by the sea and get to know you and your team.Until then….
    Take good care of yourself.

  18. Joan, My friend Carol and I were priviledged to participate in a wonderful workshop at the Chatham Bars Inn. I have never forgotten all that I learned, felt, and shared.
    Life is a process; if we were to see it in a full length movie, our response would be,”No Way, I could never handle that!!” Yes we can and do. The trick is to get up and move forward. You are inspirational, strong, and a woman, all of which will head you towards great things.
    Hope to join you one day again.
    Lois Goetz

  19. Hi Joan, Thank you for sharing your email and blog. Last week I was on a retreat and the message was Live in the Moment. Your sharing today reinforced the retreat message for me. Time passes too quickly to allow ourselves to live in our minds and for us to try to control things that are not ours to control. I am in the process of learning to let go, stay focused and enjoy the moments. Thank you for your gifts and now a blog to read! Your spirit will continue to touch me. I am excited about visiting your home for my 50th! My wish for you is that you seize the now and see the moments. Thank you for touching my life,
    Mary Farrelly from NJ

  20. Hi Joan,

    I was reading your unfinished thoughts and I thought of how I have finally come to realize that the toughest times in our lives and the biggest changes often bring us to our next blossoming of self growth if we allow ourselves to be open to change. I often read your books again when I am going through a rough spot in my life and I went to my first retreat when I was at low point in my life. Your books and retreats have helped me to be open to that growth and bring more joy in my life. Though unwanted change still occurs, I now know that there is always light on the other side of the tough times and that I need to look for the lessons to be learned. So I now try not to be discouraged when I take some steps backwards as I know eventually I will move further ahead. You have helped me towards my growth and I want to thank you for that. Your sharing of both the ups and downs in your life is so honest. It helps us know that we are all in a continual process of growth and sometimes we get stuck and that is okay. It is in those stuck times that we learn and grow.
    I am excited about the blog as I enjoy the contact with you and all of the great women who read your books and go to your retreats.
    Have a wonderful summer!

    Lisa Eklund

  21. You amaze and inspire me. My teenage memories were living in NE Pennsylvania, saving babysitting money, and flying to Harwich Port, MA. I loved Sheep’s Pond. Now at 50, I can’t get through ‘A year By the Sea’ without remembering “those day’s”, and reflecting on today. You are an inspiring writer. Want to come to our cabin in Canada??? Perfect place to reflect, write, and paint. ~ Kathleen

  22. Hi Joan I was more curious than anything to see your blog I have read your books and thought about meeting you on a retreat but not a fan of traveling alone. this year I also had a knee replacement actually both knees. I am typing on an iPad and having trouble well I don’t believe this was a coincidence so I plan on looking up your books and doing some real serious thinking my life is not what it should be I need to change a Lot I know left to myself I will continue on my downward spiral thanks for being a person who cares about the meaning of life and who cares about others and puts herself out there forgive the punctuation hope to meet you sometime regards michele

  23. Dear Joan,

    I was excited to see an email from you. I have missed you. I knew of your mother’s passing, I am so very sorry for your loss. And of course, how is your knee doing? I hope well.
    As I read about your waking with malaise and then you deciding to be deliberate, you got to me and I am the same. But when I just read that you found out your son is getting divorced that was just so sad to read. We as parents always want the best for our children. When they are happy, so are we. When they hurt, we do too. Sometimes I wonder if we don’t hurt more. This is another bump in your road, and you will all get thru this stronger than before. But for now, I am sure this is very hard on you. There is so much divorce now, perhaps you would be inspired to write about this as you and your son go thru this process. My heart goes out to you. You have helped me and so many others. I wish I could help you now.

    Best regards, a Cape Cod retreater.

  24. Hi
    What an unexpected blessing to receive your email today. I have been in such a bad place for several months and just can’t seem to shake it. I gives me hope that I can survive this after reading your comments. I have been told numerous times that I need to start taking care of myself but just don’t even know how to start. I am always reacting to my familes problems (and someone has something constantly). Still don’t know how to turn that part of me off but it gave me a glimmer of hope that someone else feels this way too. I think about your “Year by the Sea” almost daily and wish I had such a place to escape to but I don’t.
    thanks for sending the email.
    take care.

  25. It can’t be an accident…just yesterday I pulled out Second Journey and was reminded of the lessons I learned when I read it. Today I stumble across your brand new blog. I’m thrilled to see you here, and I shall return often.

  26. Dear Joan,

    Over the years, I have loved reading all your books. They’re amazing! You’re amazing! Your words get to the core…causing contemplation, giving food for thought, inviting us all to challenge ourselves on many levels. You are real and honest and having shared so much of yourself, your life with us, you are befriended by many who wish you well. I am so very sorry to learn of your recent hardships. I just lost both my parents within a year’s time after very long and difficult illnesses…sometimes life just leaves you broken. It’s all about faith, accepting grace from above, and surrendering to that which we have no control.

    How exciting that you decided to blog! It is welcomed by those of us who look forward to your words and staying connected. May you feel embraced by all those who revere you and who will uplift you during these not so easy days.
    I wish you peace and little miracles that light your way.
    Take good care of you!

    Tina Mandeville

  27. Dear Joan
    Where to begin! Looking forward to your blogs, love love love your books. Read them over and over, I go to small greek islands for summer hols and really enjoy reading them by the sea. Always looking out for a Joan Erikson, but have decided to live in the moment and enjoy the small wonders in life every day like she did. You have inspired me so much in participating fully in my life. I am excited by the thought of going on one of your retreats if I can arrange it. I am glad your going to blog, you can reach so many people with your thoughts. Kind regards Tracey Williams Berks UK

  28. Joan, so glad to see that you will be sharing some of your inspiring self with us here! I am a bit electronically phobic myself and on the verge of starting a blog also….your courage here is encouraging me to take that next step. I came across a John O’Donohue blessing this evening that I want to share with you…from Eternal Echoes.

    May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter
    the quiet immensity of your own presence.
    May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
    May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon.
    May you respond to the call of your gift and find the courage to follow its path……

    Thank you for inspiring us to live up to the potential of our own lives!


  29. I’ve had a sinus infection from hell this last week. I went to the library to get anything that would distract me between naps and guilt trips from my boss. I said a prayer going in the door that I would find just the right book and walked out with “A Year by the Sea,” “An Unfinished Marriage” and “A Walk on the Beach.” I think I’ve recovered from more than a sinus infection. And my boss will be heartened to know I’m motivated to work now to pay off my purchases from Amazon.

    I’m sorry for the loss of your mother . . . Bless you and your new knee!

  30. Hi Joan,

    I checked your website today, July 5th, because I was at a party last night at the home of a woman who reminds me of you – physically. So here I am reading your blog and thinking about you. What a difficult time you have had in the past year or so! I hope you are feeling as much better as the strength of you response sounds. We are heading back to the States on the 20th and staying until Sept. 13th. I am looking forward VERY much to seeing my family . Sometimes Farnce feels very far away.

  31. Although you may not remember, last September myself and 4 other beautiful wonderful ladies met you on “your” beach. You and Robin were so gracious to us and you asked us to meet you the next day. We have read each of your books over and over again and we always talk about the soul searching you have taught us to do. The next day you met with us was absolutely one of the best life experiences we have ever had. We constantly stop and reflect on the conversation we had with you that day and comment on how genuine you are as a person. Thank you for your experiences and writing about them in your books and sharing them with all of us “Unfinished Women” Looking forward to “running” into you again this September ~ just keep your eye out for the five colorful beach chairs….until then

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