Cape Cod Retreats

A Little History of Cape Cod Retreats

Joan Anderson’s retreats have been happening for twelve years. During that time women have come from over fifty states as well as Canada, Australia, Japan, Bermuda, and Israel to give themselves a chance to turn their very lives around. The hallmark of these retreats is utilizing nature—finding metaphors for our lives from that which is presented during a contemplative hike on a great barrier beach. The three days are as predictable as the tides and as spontaneous as the changeable weather. The participants work with their intuition and instincts—strengths which have become threadbare because modern women lead such hectic lives and play so many different roles. Most women leave after three days rejuvenated and with new intentions firmly intact—determined to re-arrange their lives in their own images.

Scenes from a Cape Cod Retreat

66 thoughts on “Cape Cod Retreats

    • Hi Karen,
      I will add you to Joan’s mailing list for communications regarding additional retreats.
      Always Unfinished,

  1. i would love to be put on Joan’s e-mail list for 2018 retreats in The Cape. I have deep family roots in the Cape and miss the smell of the pines

    • Dear Charlene,
      I have added you to Joan’s email list so that you can receive announcements in the future. Please add the address to your contact list so the email does not go into a spam folder.
      I am excited to tell you that Joan will be posting a retreat in Chatham, MA on Cape Cod this weekend. The dates are June 15-17th, 2018. I hope you will be able to join us.
      Always Unfinished,

    • Dear Kim,
      Joan will be announcing a retreat in Chatham on the Cape this weekend. It will be June 15-17, 2018. Hope you will be able to join Joan then.
      Always Unfinished

    • Dear Andrea,
      Thank you for your inquiry regarding upcoming retreats. Joan will be announcing a retreat on Cape Cod this weekend on her website.
      The dates are June 15-17.2018. Hope you will be able to join her then.
      Always Unfinished

    • Dear Tracy,
      Thank you for your inquiry regarding Joan’s retreats. This weekend Joan will be posting on her website the next retreat which will be June 15-17th, 2018 on Cape Cod. I hope you will be able to join Joan then.
      If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
      Always Unfinished,

  2. I saw “A Year by the Sea” last night for the first time. I met a group of women before the movie, who were ecstatic about seeing it again. I now understand why; it was definitely a wake-up call! I saw parts of my life in all the women’s lives, especially Joan and S. Epatha. I plan to read the book. I would like to attend an upcoming retreat. Would you please put me on the email list to receive information on them? Thanks. Kate

  3. Please add me to your information list regarding cape retreats in 2018. I have read two of your books and would find the retreat very beneficial.
    Thank you,

  4. I saw Joan’s movie and it truly touched me! I believe I saw it at this point in my life for a reason! Please notify me of any retreats in the future. I really need something like this!

    • Dear Lisa, We are so glad you enjoyed the movie Year By The Sea. Joan’s story is timeless and speaks to so many women no matter their age, stage, or phase of life.
      At the present time Joan is looking at scheduling a spring and fall retreat in 2018. I have added you to Joan’s contact list for her newsletter. If you put as a contact it will keep it from going into spam or social emails. Look forward to seeing you at the next retreat.

      • Hi, Cathy. I have a personal goal of attending one of Joan’s retreats. Can you please add me to the mailing list, so I can register for the next retreat she schedules?

  5. I have been feeling for quite some time that I need to get away- I have even verbalized these feelings to friends over the past year. I live in New Jersey, but am originally from Boston, MA where most of my family still lives. Last night, I happened to be searching for books/information on retreats and came across your books. I downloaded “A weekend to Change Your Life” and have started to read it. I want to thank you for writing the book- your words describe exactly what I am looking for and give articulation to exactly what I have been feeling. I am, and have been, experiencing major transitions in my life over the past couple of years and feel the need to reconnect with who I am and what I would ultimately like to accomplish in my life. I love the Cape and have always known it would be a place where I would like to spend some extended time. Since you retreat on Cape Cod, I wonder if you would be able to provide information/recommendations for Cape Cod retreats? Do you rent your cottage for such purposes? I work from home, which means I can work from anywhere as long as I can use my laptop. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you sincerely, Natasha Johnson

  6. Hello, I would like to be notified of any weekend retreats on Cape Cod.
    I have read 2 of your books..there is not just one word to describe what someone takes away/feels afterwards….thank you.

  7. Hello, I would like to be notified of any weekend retreats on Cape Cod.
    I have read 2 of your books..there is not just one word to describe what someone takes away/feels afterwards….thank you.

    • Dear Kim,
      I have added your information to Joan’s contact list. She is looking at possibly doing a retreat on the Cape in 2018.

    • Valerie the November retreat is closed out but Joan will be at Kripalu January 20-22, 2017. You can register on the Kriplau website. If you have any questions please let me know. Hope to see you in January.

    • Betty, I will add you name to Joan’s contact list so you can stay up to date with all upcoming events.
      Hope to see you at a retreat soon.

  8. I would like to register for the November 11th Chatham, MA, retreat if space is available.

    I did attend a Kripala retreat about four years ago so I would assume that the workshop would be slightly different.

    I contacted the Chatham Inn and I will reserve a retreat single room ($1500) with you then the Inn will charge us personally for an additional fee so my husband and dog can attend with me. We would be in a little cottage.They would be on their own the entire retreat time. I do not want to make the trip alone.

    If this arrangement will not work for you please let me know before I send a deposit. All you have to do is note that I will be bringing my dog and the Inn already has my name and an agreement to personally pay the dog fee.

    I am so excited that I might be able to renew my soul with Joan as I enter this last exciting chapter of my life.


    Marilyn S. Underhill

    cell 803-622-2702

    • Dear Elizabeth,
      At this time Joan does not have any retreats scheduled in the Georgia area.
      We are looking at adding a retreat on the Cape in November of 2017.
      Hopefully you will be able to join us then.
      I have added your name to Joan’s contact list so you can receive her newsletter.
      Joan Anderson’s Assistant

  9. Just purchased and started reading A Weekend to Change Your Life. 🙂

    Are there retreats in 2016? I only see 2017.


    • Dear Janet,
      Thank you for your inquiry regarding any retreats in 2016 with Joan Anderson.
      We are presently looking at adding a retreat on Cape Cod this November.
      I have added your email address to Joan’s contact list so you can receive her newsletter.
      Make sure to add her to your contact list
      Hope to see you in the Fall.
      Joan Anderson’s Assistant

  10. Please let me know when you set up your next Year By The Sea.I would love to send my daughter and daughter in-law.

  11. Please let me know when you set up the next weekend by the sea.I would love to send my daughter and daughter In-law.

  12. Would love to come to the Cape Cod Retreat in February – please send more information so I can see the Itinerary and understand more of the schedule and events.

  13. I would like information regarding upcoming retreats, particularly, the Cape Cod retreat for 2016.

    • Joyce thank you for your inquiry regarding a Cape Cod retreat in 2016. Joan will be developing next year’s calendar shortly and we will be sending out information when available. I will add you to Joan’s contact list. Hope to see you in the near future.

      • Dear Tomeka,
        I have added your name to Joan’s contact list.
        Please make sure to add to your contact list so the Newsletter does not go into your Spam folder.
        I look forward to seeing you in the future.
        Joan Anderson’s Assistant

  14. I am interested in any upcoming retreats that joan is doing. Please add me to her mailing list! Thanks.


    april miller

    • April I will add you to Joan’s contact list so that you can receive her newsletter. Constant Contact powers the email communications that Joan sends. Many of the Internet Service Providers have increased the filter level of incoming emails. For you to receive Joan’s newsletter you would need to add
      to your “safe senders” list or to your address contact book to prevent it from potentially being filtered as junk or spam.
      Hope to meet you at an upcoming event.

    • Dear Deborah,
      Joan’s next retreat is at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY May 1-3, 2015. You can register on line on the retreat page.
      At this time there aren’t any retreats scheduled for Cape Cod. As soon as there is one I will notify you, and have added you to Joan’s mailing list so you can receive her newsletter which will keep you up to date regarding all the upcoming events. Hope to see you soon.

  15. Was wondering if the trip to Iona in October 2015 is still open? And whether there are any single rooms still available? And when is the closing date to register for the trip? Thanks!

    • Dear Evey,
      Unfortunately the Iona retreat is sold out at this time.
      I will add your name to the waiting list in case there is a cancellation.
      Thank you for your inquiry.

  16. Wanting to know of any one day or weekend retreats in the northeast for 2015. Cannot make the Jan 30th as it is too close. Tha ks

    • Dear Brenda, Thank you for your email. Yes there is a private room available for this retreat. It is an existing new agenda, Stretching Towards Solutions and Resolutions, which is based on Joan’s new book Stretch Marks…
      If you would like to register you can do so on this page. Hope to see you and raise our glasses to the group of amazing Unfinished Women. See you in a couple of weeks.

  17. Is there another Cape Cod retreat this year2014? If not when is the next one. Your books were such an inspiration to this time in my life Joan.
    Do you offer any financial help with the retreats for those who cannot afford to pay this?
    When is the movie coming out?

    • Dear Lisa, Thank you for your email. The next Cape Cod retreat will be January 30-Feb. 1st, 2015. Joan tries to keep the cost of the retreats as low as possible, and has them off season to make them more affordable to the women who are looking to get away for a weekend by the sea. The wheels are turning in California as we continue to make waves for Year By the Sea to come to the big screen. I will add you to the contact list for the announcement regarding all the details for the January retreat, and if I can be of any additional assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

  18. Please let me know as soon as you set up the dates for 2015 Cape Cod Retreat, I want to come back for a refresher!
    Thanks so much

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