Serendipity Reborn

This letter came from a past retreater. She said:

“I now live on a barrier island in Florida where, in the past, I could connect to nature as you taught us. My husband has now retired and I no longer find the joy in the sea.  Any suggestions? How do I reconnect?”

After pondering her question this was my answer.

Just as we have to change up our exercise and dietary regimens, so we have to change up our routes to meditation. I suspect “the husband” being in your space has altered your freedom to seek whenever you please. I suggest a weekend alone every once in awhile…away from the home front or at least declaring the first day of each month to be just yours. During that day have an adventure…do something that is out of the ordinary…with art, music, working with your hands, visiting sacred places, sitting in a chapel, and of course walking on a beach you’ve never walked on before…then taking pictures of found newness…like soaring birds or unusual vegetation. One moment will lead to another and awaken within you something that is longing to be brought forward.

7 thoughts on “Serendipity Reborn

  1. That is a wonderful response, Joan. I, too, am sharing most of my time with my husband. I try to find a few moments each day to experience nature on my own–especially with my camera. It is truly something I can enjoy,create and then share with those I love. Thanks for sharing!

    • Betsy

      having just driven 11 hours each way to visit our kids with my husband I am thrilled he is pin a golf tournament today and won’t be home til dinner. The house right know is bliss. Too much togetherness is fine on occasion but then we need to be that individual we are striving towards.

      • Oh Joan, this is so true about the “husband” deal!! Mine is retired and we live on an Island, and I have been feeling the same way!!

        That is what I need to do,a day even by myself, he does want to be with me all the time, it is too much.
        So glad to know this is common at our age!! It is maddening, at times.

        Love the “twice as much husband, and half the pay” if, that is not the truth!!
        Love your blog:)


  2. Bravo Joan! – Loved your answer to the past retreater! I think of you often and love reading your blog and newsletter – you are just the best writer and person – when’s your next book coming out? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

  3. Oh my heavens! I’m so glad I read your comment. I don’t live on an island but I do live in a house with a retired husband and have lost my joy. When I want to go somewhere– well he believes he should come too. The idea of having one day a month is a truly wonderful answer for me to regain that joy and peace. Thanks.

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